Investment Solutions
Our investment solutions range from our standard managed account-based option to fully customised investment models designed for your clients to suit your business model.
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Managed Account System
Managed Account Builder
Custom Managed Accounts
Managed Account System
How does it work?
We provide you with a tried and tested ready to implement managed account solution which will transform your investment offer to your valued clients. It will also provide you with more time to build the all-important client relationships that will be the backbone of your business growth. This solution will improve investment outcomes for your clients and also dramatically reduce time spent on portfolio monitoring and implementing portfolio changes including re-balancing.
- Choice of 8 diversified accumulation models that will provide you with an investment option to suit most clients and provide them with the level of risk v return that they require.
- Choice of 4 income or pension-based investment models which are more defensive in nature and put more of an emphasis on yield.
- An Australian equity model made up of investment managers that act in accordance with our investment mandates. We negotiate price discounts to reduce investment costs.
- We will only allow the growth versus defensive component of each model to vary by plus or minus 5 percent to ensure they always stay within your client’s risk profile requirements.
- Detailed quarterly investment updates from the investment committee and client friendly collateral outlining changes, environment and expected outcomes.
- All models are available on an award-winning Managed Account Platform Solution.
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Managed Account Builder
How does it work?
We provide you with the ability to design your own managed account-based solution that matches your in-house risk profiles and investment process, or, perhaps you would like us to design specific investment models for your high net worth clients.
- With this solution you get access to our existing investment options plus options designed specifically for your business. This may include variations to risk profile requirements or asset allocation requirements or investment requirements, including minimum investment values or different investment models which may include international SMAs, etc.
- You will also have access to institutional grade investment research and support.
- We will pass on preferential pricing to reduce investment costs at a fund manager and administration level for your clients.
- All models are available on an award-winning Managed Account Platform Solution.
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Custom Managed Account
How does it work?
We will build your own managed account solutions from the ground up to meet your specific requirements.
- Custom investment model solutions
- Ongoing portfolio reporting including updates and commentary
- Access to institutional grade investment research and analytics
- Direct access to our research consultants
- Direct access to our experienced Investment and Asset Allocation Committee
- An ongoing mandate to manage all investment portfolios in accordance with your specific requirements
- Preferential pricing at an investment model and platform level
- All investments will be made available via an award-winning managed account platform solution